
  • 🔔 Dragon Tokens

    12/16/24 Dragon Tokens are fixed; all previous dragon owners will receive a new reworked dragon fruit, even if tokens were already used.

  • 🐲 Dragon Update

    12/16/24 Bringing you new dragon content, including a new transformation, skins, cosmetics, fruits, and more!

  • 👻 Ghost Event

    11/02/23 The all-new Ghost fruit arrives alongside two new events: the Halloween Event, and Haunted Shipwreck!
  • 🦈 UPDATE 20!

    8/21/23 Introducing the Sea Expansion pt.1, Weapon Enchantments, a new island, and so much more....
  • 💞 Valentine's Event!

    2/14/23 The Valentine's Event is here, along with several reworks and a host of bug fixes!
  • ❄️ December Update

    12/25/22 This massive update brings a new version of Race Awakenings, Candy Cane Island, and more!
  • 🎉 Confetti Update

    11/30/22 Introducing Confetti, A new material you can use to get free items!
  • 🎂 September Update v17.3

    9/11/22 This massive update brings new content, reworked mechanics, and Race Awakenings!